Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vacation Time

I took a 6 week vacation from many of my activities so that I could enjoy summer, house-guests, visiting California, etc.  For the last week I have been down in Santa Cruz, staying with my mom and my dear friend, E.  (Check out her poetry blog CrazyCurlyCues.)  While I was down south, my mom’s writing group, the Inkslingers, was kind enough to invite me to their monthly meeting and to read for them.  I read my shortest story to date, Catkin, and received some excellent feedback.  It was also really wonderful to hear what others in the group were writing: high fantasy, a YA adventure/mystery story, and a non-fiction self realization/empowerment book.  I wish I had a magic door that opened one way into Seattle and the other into Santa Cruz, so I could visit all my good friends here – especially the redwood trees!
Sunlight in the Redwoods