Inspired by Rachel Stark at Trak Changes my first post of the New Year is going to be a list of goals for 2012. However, I want to begin by briefly looking back over 2011.
Last year, I completed four short stories and got one of them to the point where I am submitting it to online and print markets. I held three launch parties for Fjallind, Eonia and Tav’uran, as well as working on the Idhuan religion. In April, I attended Norwescon and starting in September I began attending the North Seattle Science Fiction and Fantasy Meetup group. My fellow editors and I published the second issue of the Amber Grimoire in November. I am amazed and pleased by the amount I have accomplished last year and am excited for the coming year.
My writing goals for 2012 are as follows:
Write 4+ short stories
Edit 4+ short stories to the point where I am submitting them
Have 2+ short stories published, at least 1 in a qualifying market for SWFA
Hold 4 launch parties, get 2+ new guests at one or more of the parties
Edit 4+ short stories to the point where I am submitting them
Have 2+ short stories published, at least 1 in a qualifying market for SWFA
Hold 4 launch parties, get 2+ new guests at one or more of the parties
Publish The Amber Grimoire twice as was our original intent
Attend at least 2 fantasy/writing conventions
Improve my networking skills by:
Read 1+ good books on online/otherwise networking
Hand out business cards at conventions, etc.
Add people to my Facebook and Google+ circles
Find ways to promote my blog
Attend at least 2 fantasy/writing conventions
Improve my networking skills by:
Read 1+ good books on online/otherwise networking
Hand out business cards at conventions, etc.
Add people to my Facebook and Google+ circles
Find ways to promote my blog
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